Edgar Wallace Folge 03:

Der Hexer

Free audioplay of “Der Hexer”


Audioplay Cast:

Read by, Manfred Krug, Sascha Draeger, Alexandra Doerk, Günther Lüdke, Rainer Schmitt, Peter von Schulz, Ingeborg Kallweit, Franz-Josef Steffens, Angelika Merkert, Michael Weckler

Description (English):

The Ringer (Der Hexer) is the story of a legendary assassin who kills for personal vengeance. He is a master of disguise and deception. Though previously confirmed to have died in Australia, the Ringer has returned to London after his sister is found floating dead in the River Thames. Scotland Yard takes up the fight against the vigilante anti-hero who has taken on the task hunting those responsible for his sister’s death.

Short German Description

Der “Hexer”, trägt seinen Spitznamen zu Recht. Denn er ist ein Meister der Verkleidung und der Täuschung. Nach dem Tod seiner Schwester kehrt er nach London zurück, um Rache zu nehmen. Scotland Yard nimmt den Kampf gegen den Mann auf, der es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, jene Bösewichte zu richten, bei denen das Gesetz nicht greift.

About the Author

Edgar Wallace (1 April, 1875 – 10 February, 1932) was a prolific English writer, a soldier, poet, war correspondent, reporter, author, and playwright.. As well as journalism, Wallace wrote screenplays, poetry, historical non-fiction, 18 stage plays, 957 short stories and over 170 novels. He wrote 12 novels in 1929 alone.  His books have been translated into 28 languages and sales of which have exceeded 50 million copies. Over 160 films have been made from his books, more than any other author. He was working on the original screenplay for King Kong when he died.

Original Public Domain Book:

You can download the original English book for free from Project Gutenberg Australia: Der Hexer:
From the English Version of Der Hexer (The Ringer):

The Ringer!

The very name produced a little thrill that was unpleasantly like a shiver. Yet Alan Wembury was without fear; his courage, both as a soldier and a detective, was inscribed in golden letters. But there was something very sinister and deadly in the very name of The Ringer, something that conjured up a repellent spectacle…the cold, passionless eyes of a cobra.

Who had not heard of The Ringer? His exploits had terrified London. He had killed ruthlessly, purposelessly, if his motive were one of personal vengeance. Men who had good reason to hate and fear him, had gone to bed, hale and hearty, snapping their fingers at the menace, safe in the consciousness that their houses were surrounded by watchful policemen. In the morning they had been found stark and dead. The Ringer, like the dark angel of death, had passed and withered them in their prime.

“Though The Ringer no longer haunts your division, there is one man in Deptford I would like to warn you against,” said Colonel Walford, “and he–“

Entbehrlichen von Ninni Holmqvist (The Unit)


One day in early spring, Dorrit Weger is checked into the Second Reserve Bank Unit for biological material. She is promised a nicely furnished apartment inside the Unit, where she will make new friends, enjoy the state of the art recreation facilities, and live the few remaining days of her life in comfort with people who are just like her. Here, women over the age of fifty and men over sixty–single, childless, and without jobs in progressive industries–are sequestered for their final few years; they are considered outsiders.

In the Unit, they are expected to contribute themselves for drug and psychological testing, and ultimately donate their organs, little by little, until the final donation. Despite the ruthless nature of this practice, the ethos of this near-future society and the Unit is to take care of others, and Dorrit finds herself living under very pleasant conditions: well-housed, well-fed, and well-attended. She is resigned to her fate and discovers her days there to be rather consoling and peaceful. But when she meets a man inside the Unit and falls in love, the extraordinary becomes a reality and life suddenly turns unbearable. Dorrit is faced with compliance or escape, and…well, then what?

THE UNIT is a gripping exploration of a society in the throes of an experiment, in which the “dispensable” ones are convinced under gentle coercion of the importance of sacrificing for the “necessary” ones. Ninni Holmqvist has created a debut novel of humor, sorrow, and rage about love, the close bonds of friendship, and about a cynical, utilitarian way of thinking disguised as care.

Hörspiel (Audioplay) Details:

Entbehrlichen (The Unit) by Ninni Holmqvist
Translated from Swedish to German: Angelika Gundlach
Bearbeitung: Cornelia Walter
Director: Uwe Schareck
Textquelle: dradio.de
Published on Oct 9, 2013
Speakers: Lena Stolze, Maren Kroymann, Hansi Jochmann, Walter Kreye, Astrid Meyerfeldt, Kornelia Boje u.a.

German Description:

Ein Sanatorium voller Luxus und Komfort. Eine Gesellschaft, die nur auf ihre produktivsten Mitglieder, die »Benötigten«, setzt. Und eine Frau, die ihnen ihren Körper und ihr Leben opfern soll. Weil sie fünfzig ist. Weil sie keine Kinder hat. Und weil sie liest. Sie ist eine Entbehrliche.

Dorrit Wegner lebt in nicht allzu ferner Zukunft. Sie gehört zu den »Entbehrlichen«, denjenigen, die ihre Produktivität nicht durch die Geburt eines Kindes unter Beweis gestellt haben. Und so wird sie an ihrem 50. Geburtstag in die »Einheit« eingewiesen, eine Anlage, die – obwohl mit allem nur erdenklichen Luxus ausgestattet – nur einem Zweck dient: Die Bewohner müssen sich für psychologische Tests und Organentnahmen zur Verfügung stellen – bis hin zu einer radikalen Operation, der so genannten »Endspende« für die »Benötigten«, die zum sicheren Tod des Spenders führt. Überraschend schnell gewöhnt sich die eigentlich freiheits-liebende Dorrit in die »Einheit« ein – bis sie in dem Mitbewohner Johannes die erste große Liebe ihres Lebens findet. Mehr noch: Sie wird schwanger – just in dem Moment, in dem Johannes erfährt, dass er für die finale Operation vorgesehen ist. Ein ebenso kluger wie beklemmender Roman, der auf brillante Weise die Abgründigkeit einer Welt vor Augen führt, in der die menschlichen Werte endgültig aufgegeben sind. Ein Text, der gerade darin mit allem Nachdruck auf der Sinnhaftigkeit des Lebens beharrt.

Edgar Wallace Folge 01:

Der Zinker


Der Zinker

Label: Maritim

Maritim-Hörspiel von 1982, nach dem Kriminalroman von Edgar Wallace mit Manfred Krug als Chefinspektor Joe Jenkins.

Medium: LP
Manfred Krug, Sascha Draeger, Alexandra Doerk, Günther Lüdke, Rainer Schmitt, Michael Weckler, Ursula Vogel, Lothar Zibell, Gaby Blum, Konrad Halver,

Weitere Informationen:
Manuskript [frei nach Edgar Wallace]: George Chevalier,
Musik: Alexander Ester, Ton: Peter Hertling. Abonniert die Hörspiel-Fabrik und verpasst nichts mehr. Hier gibt es täglich neue Videos.


Edgar Wallace Folge 01 - Der Zinker
Edgar Wallace Folge 01 – Der Zinker

Edgar Wallace
Folge 01: Der Zinker

Ein Kriminal-Hörspiel von Hans-Joachim Herwald
nach dem berühmten Roman von Edgar Wallace

Joe Jenkins, Chefinspektor:
Inspektor Elfort:
Josua, Reporter:
Frank Sutton:
Millie, Sekretärin:
Lou Friedmann:

Manfred Krug
Sascha Draeger
Alexandra Doerk
Günther Lüdke
Rainer Schmidt
Michael Weckler
Usula Vogel
Lothar Zibell
Konrad Halver

Musik: Alexander Ester
Regie: Hans-Joachim Herwald
Maritim Stereo 295 036-210
Produktionsjahr: 1982

Gigantic ring system much larger, heavier than Saturn’s

Scientists at the University of Rochester have discovered an enormous ringed planet with rings 200 times larger than Saturn. The planet, named J1407b, would appear larger than the moon and dominate the night sky if it were in our solar system.

“If we could replace Saturn’s rings with the rings around J1407b, they would be easily visible at night and be many times larger than the full moon,” said Matthew Kenworthy from the Netherlands’ Leiden Observatory.

Gigantic Super Saturn Discovered
Artist’s conception of the ring system circling the young giant planet or brown dwarf J1407b. Credit: Ron Miller

“Astronomer Eric Mamajek at the University of Rochester and his co-author from the Leiden Observatory, The Netherlands, have discovered that the ring system that they see eclipse the very young Sun-like star J1407 is of enormous proportions, much larger and heavier than the ring system of Saturn. The ring system – the first of its kind to be found outside our solar system – was discovered in 2012 by a team led by Rochester’s Eric Mamajek.” – rochester.edu

If Saturn had the same size rings as J1407b, the rings might look like this:

Gigantic ring system is 123 million kilometers in diameter

The astronomers analyzed data from the SuperWASP project – a survey that is designed to detect gas giants that move along their parent star. In 2012, Eric Mamajek and colleagues (University of Rochester) reported the discovery of the young star J1407 and its unusual eclipses. It was assumed that the eclipses were caused by a moon-forming disk around a young giant planet or a brown dwarf.

In the recent study led by Kenworthy, direct observations with adaptive optics and Doppler spectroscopy were used to estimate the mass of the ringed object. Their conclusions based on these and previous publications are intriguing. System J1407 contains a giant ring system that repeatedly blocks the light of the star over a period of about two months (56 days).

After detailed analyzed of the light curve, astronomers came to the surprising conclusion that the diameter of the ring system is about 123 million kilometers, more than a hundred times as large as the rings of Saturn.

Eric Mamajek said, “There is probably at least one earth mass of material are present in the rings, and more material may be in the satellites that provide the substructure of the ring.”

Translated from Astronomie.Nl

Exoring model for J1407b from Matthew Kenworthy on Vimeo.