We wanted to have a listing of all the Flying Spaghetti Monster groups on Facebook. Since I could not quickly find one online, I decided to compile my own. I did not want to actually make a review of a group, just the group rules. Some groups are run by admins that are power-hungry, control freaks. Other group admins don’t step in at all and almost anything is allowed. The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster…Adults Only…Reformed falls into the latter category.
The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster…Adults Only…Reformed is a closed group. With most of the other listings, I could use a Facebook feed aggregator and let the last ten posts speak for themselves. With closed and secret Facebook groups, that is not possible. Therefore, I took the liberty to upload a few of the memes posted in the group, to give you an idea of what type of content you might see there.
Join The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster…Adults Only…Reformed closed Facebook group if you are an atheist or anti-theist and you like posts that bash religions and use the word fuck.
Do not join The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster…Adults Only…Reformed closed Facebook group, if:
1) You whine about how unfair people are to Islam. Seriously, don’t bother.

2) You are easily offended by offensive pictures. It is an Adult Only closed group. Offensive pictures abound.

3) You plan to publicly quit the group. This actually happened today. Some former member wrote, “I’m about to leave the group. Most of ya’ll just seem like you want to bash Muslim religion. I feel like thats not what this page is supposed to be about and it’s pretty fucking annoying.” 150 posts later, nobody gives a damn.

If you can think of any other reasons to not join this group, please post them in the comments.
I like the Reformed FSM. I never post, but the pictures are often funny.