These images give hidden clues into the real nature of the Christian god, Jesus.
Jesus might be partly reptile. If Jesus was a reptile, would we call him Raptor Jesus? This theory would explain why children die in such great numbers. God is a cold-blooded bastard. Someone said that this picture was painted after the artist received a vision. Since Christians believe in visions, the statement must be true.
Someone said that this picture was painted after the artist received a vision. Since Christians believe in visions, the statement must be true. I do not believe in mythical Jesus or Raptor Jesus. Both characters have the same amount of evidence pointing to their existence. None. Therefore, both are just as likely to be true.
Is God powerful enough to grow a reptile head?

Is God powerful enough to shoot an automatic weapon with one hand and still hit his target? Would Raptor Jesus enjoy shooting criminals?

Maybe Jesus rode a Tyrannosaurus Rex into Jerusalem and people thought it was a donkey. The green color might have been overlooked.

Is God powerful enough to be a reptile while retaining the head of a pony? Would he still be funny like a clown? Could Jesus fly without dragon wings? Did he actually need the chariot to get into heaven? Was that for dramatic effect? Since nobody who wrote the gospels actually saw Jesus ascend into heaven, how do we know they are true? They are all third party tellings of events that happened elsewhere? Could the stories be actually made up?

There is also evidence that Jesus might be made out of bread. If he were, would you eat Jesus?