Audio Books

Articles about audiobooks and audioplays:

  • Edgar Wallace Folge 08: February 5, 2015
    Der unheimliche Mönch Der Gauner O’Shea erbeutet bei seinem letzten Überfall unfassbare 3 Tonnen Gold. Doch er liefert seine Komplizen ans Messer, und die schwören nun Rache. Wer ist der unheimliche Mönch, der nachts im Herrenhaus umherschweift und seine Opfer sucht? Wird Inspektor Elk noch rechtzeitig eingreifen können? Spannend, in der Tradition ...
  • Edgar Wallace Folge 07: February 4, 2015
    Das Gasthaus an der Themse Ein harmloser Whiskeyschmuggler wird tot auf seinem Boot aufgefunden, ermordet mit einer Harpune — dem Markenzeichen eines mörderischen Diebes, dem “Hai”. John Wade, Inspektor bei Scotland Yard, steht vor einem Rätsel. Seine Nachforschungen führen ihn zu einer zwielichtigen Spelunke: dem Gasthaus an der Themse. Speakers: Henry Kielmann, Manoel ...
  • Edgar Wallace Folge 06: February 3, 2015
    Neues vom Hexer Der “Hexer” (vgl. Folge 3) ist nach London zurück gekehrt und beginnt wieder mit seiner privaten Ahndung von Ungerechtigkeiten. Doch diesmal scheint er ungewöhnlich brutal zu sein, denn er begeht auch Raubüberfälle und tötet Unschuldige… Mehrere große und kleine Gauner bringt er zur Strecke. Dieses Hörspiel erscheint wie ein ...
  • Edgar Wallace Folge 05: February 2, 2015
    Die Bande des Schreckens Nachdem in den ersten 4 Folgen Chefinsp. Jenkins und Insp. Elford die Fälle lösten, übernehmen in den Folgen 5 – 8 Chefinsp. Bliss und Insp. Mander das Ruder. Dieses neue Team ist ein bißchen anders gestrickt: Bliss muss sich im Gegensatz zu Jenkins nicht mit laut Musik ...
  • Edgar Wallace Folge 04: February 1, 2015
    Die Bande des Schreckens Dichter Nebel liegt über London. Plötzlich unterbricht ein Schrei die unheimliche Stille. Inspektor Larry Holt von Scotland Yard mag nicht mehr an einen Unfall glauben, als die Polizei nach einer Nebelnacht wieder einmal einen Toten aus der Themse fischt. Bei den Opfern der Mordserie handelt es sich ...

Improve your second language and multi-task while listening to audio books

I have always loved reading. Through most of my life, I have spent a great deal of time immersed in books. Unfortunately, my life seems to have gotten increasingly complicated. The amount of time that I can dedicated to books has become severely limited. After work, I am usually too tired to think about anything. Sitting down with a book and trying to stay both awake and concentrated has become more difficult. The days, when I could stay up most of the night and read a book from cover to cover, are long gone. Though I have not found the a lot of time to dedicate myself to a hardcover or paperback book, I have not given up on literature. Instead of reading books, I listen to them.

It was several years ago on a trip from Germany to Los Angeles, that I seriously got hooked on the audio book format. I had a copy of the Rufus Beck reading of Harry Potter on my iPod. I had originally added it to iTunes for my kids. Since I was going to be out of the Germany for a while, I thought that listening to the book would help me keep up to date with my German. After 30 minutes, I was thoroughly hooked on the story. After I got back to Germany, I acquired the other six books and listened to them one after another.

The nice thing, about listening to audio books, is that one can multi-task. Whether a person is washing the dishes, gardening in the backyard, painting the house, driving the car, taking the dog for a long walk or just sitting out in a lawn chair in the sun, all of these time-wasting tasks become more productive when one is listening to an audiobook. Listening is a great way continue to read without having to dedicate hours to a book in a quiet place.

If you are learning a second language, audio books are an absolute must. I listen to audio books almost exclusively in German. Not only do I get to complete a mundane task like washing the dishes, I also get to listen to the latest bestseller and practice my German comprehension at the same time. If I lose my concentration and become more focused on my work, I simply let the story continue to play. Then, when I have more time to concentrate on the book, I go back 30 minutes or more and start again. I have noticed that even though I am not always listening to the story with my full attention, my fluency and comprehension improve simply by having the story playing in the background. In this way, you can improve your ability to speak a second language without much effort.

There are a lot of free audio book sources. This something everyone can do without having to spend a lot of money. Listen to an audio book and take back that lost time.

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