Two Hands Working Can Do More than a Thousand Hands Clasped in Prayer

Why do people pray?

If the Christian deity is all-loving, all-knowing, and all-powerful, there would be no reason to pray. The Christian deity would already know the outcome of all events in advance. The best possible outcome of all events must have been decided at the beginning of time.

Do Christians think that praying to their deity will change future events?

If yes, then their god does not have a perfect plan. If the Christian deity was unable to make a perfect plan, then he would not be all-powerful and all-knowing and therefore not omnipotent. If the deity were not omnipotent, then he could not be a god at all.

If prayer has no power to change the perfect plan of the gods, then it is a completely futile act. If it does not help fix a problem, then praying is not useful. Worse than not being helpful, prayer is hurtful. People who pray think that they have accomplished something. Since praying people feel like they have already solved a problem, they do nothing to actually improve the situation at all. If they did not have this artificial feeling of righteousness, Christians might actually try to help those in need.

“Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer.” – Anonymous

The act of feeling like you are helping, while doing absolutely nothing to solve a problem.
The act of feeling like you are helping, while doing absolutely nothing to solve a problem.

Prayer – The act of feeling like you are helping while doing absolutely nothing to solve a problem.

"This so-called new religion is nothing but a pack of weird rituals and chants designed to take away the money of fools. Now let us say the lord's prayer 40 times, but first let's pass the collection plate."
“This so-called new religion is nothing but a pack of weird rituals and chants designed to take away the money of fools. Now let us say the lord’s prayer 40 times, but first let’s pass the collection plate.”

“This so-called new religion is nothing but a pack of weird rituals and chants designed to take away the money of fools. Now let us say the lord’s prayer 40 times, but first let’s pass the collection plate.” – Rev. Lovejoy