ISIS Burns Jordanian Pilot Alive

WARNING: Some images on this page are shocking!

Let me ask all of you godless, freethinking skeptics a question. If the fundamentalist fringe of the Islamic faith is willing to burn fellow Muslims to death to prove their divine point, what do you think they will do to atheists?

If Islam takes over the world, atheists are going to burn.

What can we do about the Islamic problem? Should we go to war? No. Wars solve nothing. We cannot win a war in the region unless we are willing to kill everybody living there. That’s not a solution.

The only way for us to end this problem is for the West “out tech” our enemies. Science is how we will solve this problem. We should be spending all of our available resources trying to develop alternative forms of energy. We, the West, need to get off of oil as quickly as possible. Alternative Energy! Science, not wars. After we stop buying their oil, this problem will take care of itself.

Burned Alive
Burned Alive

Image Source: CNN

Jordanian pilot - Burned Alive
ISIS first poured gasoline on the Jordanian pilot.
Jordanian pilot - Burned Alive
ISIS then put the Jordanian pilot in a cage and set him on fire.
Jordanian pilot - Burned Alive
The Jordanian pilot burned alive.

Bill Donohue: French Cartoonists Had It Coming

Bill Donohue, President of the Catholic League, has a history of saying remarks that are not well thought out. Donohue’s remarks about Charlie Hebdo, which he made within a few hours after the murder of 12 employees of at satirical French magazine, put the blame on the victims of the massacre.

Stephane Charbonnier, the paper’s publisher, was killed today in the slaughter. It is too bad that he didn’t understand the role he played in his tragic death. In 2012, when asked why he insults Muslims, he said, “Muhammad isn’t sacred to me.” Had he not been so narcissistic, he may still be alive. Muhammad isn’t sacred to me, either, but it would never occur to me to deliberately insult Muslims by trashing him.

Holy Urinal Holy Urinals
Catholic Holy Virgin Mary Urinals

Bill Donohue was quoted in the USA Today as saying, “We should not continue to tolerate the kind of intolerance that provoked this violent reaction.”

On Jan 14’s “Hannity,” Catholic League President Bill Donohue, Fox News Contributor Catholic Priest Jonathan Morris, USA Today columnist Kirsten Powers, and Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity clashed over comments made by Bill Donohue regarding the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo.

Donohue stood behind his Charlie Hebdo comments, stating “had he not insulted, had they not gone out of their way to insult Muslims, they would still be alive.” Donohue insisted that he meant this as an “explanation” of the attacks and not a “justification” of the attacks. He also blasted

Donohue also called the USA Today “lunatics” for thinking he would be for anti-blasphemy laws. He also claimed that he did not author the article in the USA Today, saying they took the comments from his website.

Catholic Priest Jonathan Morris supported Donohue’s position, stating “I think the point, which is a valid one, that Bill’s trying to make, is the fact that you have a legal right to do something, like for example, Charlie Hebdo had a legal right that I would defend to death to be able to publish something that’s offensive…doesn’t mean it’s morally right.”

USA Today columnist Kirsten Powers disagreed, arguing that “first of all, we not only can, we should criticize religions. Religions are extremely powerful, theologies, often ideologies, that have enormous influence over culture. People should and must criticize them and hold them accountable.” After struggling to re-gain the floor from Donohue, she stated “what the Muslims think, and frankly what a lot of Christians think when they get criticized is that they are being insulted. I think it is the same thing, that criticism is taken as an insult and people have to be able to take it. I can take it.”

Catholic Priest Jonathan Morris attempted to distinguish between criticism and provocation, saying “if somebody takes a valid, true criticism, truth, as provocation. That’s their fault. Another thing is, for example, to take a cross, turn it upside down, stick it in urine, that’s provocation.”

The show went on to discuss the Pope Francis and whether he said one should not criticize religion or that one cannot criticize religion.

Piss Christ by Serrano Andres
Provocation? Upside-Down, Pisschrist by Andres Serrano

Fox News is mostly an entertainment show for dumb people. Since I do not really care for the Fox type of patriotic broadcast, I never watch Fox news. Nevertheless, it is said that one’s enemies’ enemies are your friends. In this case, I’m more against the Catholics than I am Fox. The Catholics stance on this issue, one cannot criticize religion and you get what is coming to you if you provoke religion, is so repulsive, I am willing to watch this outtake of Hannity.

Sigolène Vinson – How She Survived the Massacre

Charlie Hebdo Journalist Sigolène Vinson Survived the Massacre

Sigolène Vinson, the 40-year-old legal affairs commentator at the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, described how she survived the massacre.

“I heard gunfire. I didn’t look back, I didn’t want to stare death in the face and I was sure I was going to die,” she said.

She hid with other staff in a colleague’s office. They could hear, but not see the killing spree.

“They didn’t fire in bursts, they shot one bullet after another. Slowly. Nobody shouted. Everyone must have been taken completely by surprise,” Vinson said.

Sigolène Vinson heard footsteps approaching, then more gunfire. One of the masked terrorists, who was later identified as Saïd Kouachi, looked around an office wall and took aim at her.

‘I looked at him,’ she told Le Monde. ‘He had these big, black eyes, and a very soft gaze. I felt a moment of trouble in him, like he was looking for my name.

‘My brain was working fine. I thought quickly. I understood that he had not seen Jean-Luc, who was in his office.” Vinson said.

“He said ‘don’t be afraid, calm down. I won’t kill you. You’re a woman, we don’t kill women. But think about what you do, what you do is bad. I’m sparing you and because I’ve spared you, you will read the Qur’an’.

“I wondered why he would say that. I thought it was rather cruel of him to me asking not to be afraid. He had just kill everyone and was pointing at me with his gun. I found it unfair. Unfair to say that what we did was wrong,when good was on our side. It was he who was mistaken. He had no right to say that.”

“I gave him a nod. To keep a link, contact, a connection. Perhaps subconsciously, I tried to soften. I did not want to lose his eyes as Jean-Luc is under the table, he has not seen, and I understand that even if he does not kill women, he kills men.”

Vinson said Saïd Kouachi turned toward the newsroom room where his brother Kouachi Sharif, had murdered a woman, columnist Elsa Cayat, Charlie’s psychoanalyst, and shouted: “We don’t kill women,” three times.

“At this point, I did not know that Elsa had been murdered..” 

The terrorists killed one woman during the massacre. Later a police woman was murdered in a related incident, while the Kouachi brothers were on the run.